Today is the last day of Princess camp- and while my little princess has had a great week she is EXHAUSTED.
Today is Cinderella day....and I wanted to make a Cinderella dress- but I wanted it to be a little more casual, shorter and made with cotton- one because it is faster to sew, and two because I wanted to show folks what a cotton one woulf look like....
Well this is a perfect case of what I have in my head disn't translate quite the way I had hoped...looks a bit mor elike Belle's village dress. I am happy with it, and I think it has some fun options...just wasn't quite as Cinderella as i had hoped. My little lady however immediately called it a Cinderella dress (that was short lived and she decided it is a Rapunzel dress)
I used the same pattern from Little Lizard King (http://www.littlelizardking.com/catalog-2/princess-dress/) but skipped the elastic in the sleeves, shortened the skirt a few inches, and made the skirt slightly less wide/gathered.
I am sure I will be adding to the princess dress collection~ I have lots of ideas to try for the other princesses, and also thought it would make a great fall or holiday themed dress....and even a super cute witch dress!
Don't forget today is the last day to enter our giveaway ocer at Nap time Crafters!!!!
Off to get ready for the princess parade and then ready for a house guest and tonights show at the Shriner's in Webster
~Have a Whimsical day!~
Today is Cinderella day....and I wanted to make a Cinderella dress- but I wanted it to be a little more casual, shorter and made with cotton- one because it is faster to sew, and two because I wanted to show folks what a cotton one woulf look like....
Well this is a perfect case of what I have in my head disn't translate quite the way I had hoped...looks a bit mor elike Belle's village dress. I am happy with it, and I think it has some fun options...just wasn't quite as Cinderella as i had hoped. My little lady however immediately called it a Cinderella dress (that was short lived and she decided it is a Rapunzel dress)
I used the same pattern from Little Lizard King (http://www.littlelizardking.com/catalog-2/princess-dress/) but skipped the elastic in the sleeves, shortened the skirt a few inches, and made the skirt slightly less wide/gathered.
I am sure I will be adding to the princess dress collection~ I have lots of ideas to try for the other princesses, and also thought it would make a great fall or holiday themed dress....and even a super cute witch dress!
Don't forget today is the last day to enter our giveaway ocer at Nap time Crafters!!!!
Off to get ready for the princess parade and then ready for a house guest and tonights show at the Shriner's in Webster
~Have a Whimsical day!~